Thursday, May 21, 2020

Increase Synergy Value, High-Cost Efficiency and Increase Economies of Scale Free Essay Example, 3500 words

This paper illustrates that international merger and Acquisition strategy is a source of synergy and surplus power that enables a firm to boosts its performance and efficiency. Companies coming together in the mergers and acquisitions have different market shares that would give them a better performance index if they combined efforts. The move also increases cost efficiency for firms that deal with the same product or come from the same industry. The combined effort results in an entity that enjoys immense profit and related financial gains that single rival firms cannot get from the market. Consequently, increased synergy is associated with the topology of market power gain as well as empire-building aimed at reaching a global level. Additionally, the increased synergy value that is in a number of forms including revenues, expenses, and cost of capital ensures that the new legal entity realizes revenues and a lower overall cost of capital. This corresponds to the synergistic the ory, which indicates the ability of two combined companies to be more profitable compared with the two firms individually. AT T acquisition of DirecTV is a move seen to acquire synergy and build an empire. We will write a custom essay sample on Increase Synergy Value, High-Cost Efficiency and Increase Economies of Scale or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

All Quiet On The Western Front Tone Analysis - 722 Words

Erich Maria Remarque’s novel, All Quiet on the Western Front has a central theme of the harsh realities of war and a general negative attitude toward the subject. This attitude is synonymous of other war poems such as Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen and War Is Kind by Stephen Crane; however, the attitudes are revealed differently in all three pieces through each respective author’s use of diction, imagery, and tone. In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, the author effectively utilizes these literary devices in order to highlight his negative opinion toward the subject of war. Imagery is consistently used throughout the novel as Remarque accurately depicts the cruelty of warfare and its effects on the†¦show more content†¦A similar attitude can be found in Wilfred Owen’s poem Dulce et Decorum Est in which the author reveals the horrors of war through several poetic devices. Owen’s attitude toward war is first revealed through vivid imagery found on lines 9-16 at which point the author illustrates the scene of a soldier failing to put on his gas mask and dying in mustard gas. Within this scene the author also uses aggressive diction with words such as â€Å"drowning†, â€Å"guttering†, and â€Å"choking†, all of which invoke in the reader a sense of sympathy and understanding of the horrible acts both witnessed and experie nced by soldiers. Owen’s also employs different purposes for each stanza in the poem, the first stanza is very literal in the description of the soldiers, with a constant meter, until it is broken by different punctuation, seemingly representing the struggle of the broken down group to keep pace. The second stanza reveals an ugly and horrific side of warfare with the appalling description of a soldier in â€Å"an ecstasy of fumbling† for his gas mask but unfortunately fails to put it on in time. Owen then uses the word â€Å"drowning† to describe said soldier, which is both metaphorical, as he is lost â€Å"under a green sea†, but also to describe the atrocious effects of mustard gas which liquefies the lungs of its victims. The third stanzaShow MoreRelatedAnalysis : The Agony That His Friend 2077 Words   |  9 PagesAnalysis of AQWF Pages 22-24 Starting halfway down page 22, Paul begins describing the agony that his friend is in, he then goes into detail about every waking movement that Kemmerich endures. By going into detail about such movements, mannerisms and how â€Å"he just weeps with his head turned,† we begin to get a more inclusive look into the feelings that Paul is feeling when being sympathetic to his friends. We also begin to grasp an outlook on war that isn’t represented as commonly, the devotion andRead MorePoetry and War1681 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough the unique power of poetry. 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Women’s Struggle for Identity through Appearance Free Essays

How does the writer explore their thoughts and feelings through identity? Germaine Greer talks about ‘demands’ that are made upon women to change their bodies in order to look pleasing to the eyes of others. This idea that women should look a certain way and that there is only one right way. She explores the women of both the working class and the middle class and the way they struggle for identity through appearance. We will write a custom essay sample on Women’s Struggle for Identity through Appearance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Greer explores her thoughts and feelings though identity by the use of language. She uses words such as ‘grossness’ and ‘curvaceous’ to describe women’s thoughts about their bodies. It almost seems like Greer is Just talking about the pressure for women to conform. She doesn’t describe in a way that shows she disagrees with women’s thoughts about their bodies and the pressure to counter their bodies in order to fit in to the two categories curvy or thin. She talks about how the curvy girl who ought to be thin and the thin girl who ought to be curvy. Greer is trying to get across the message that women’s struggling with appearance in order to have the perfect body is a never ending cycle. You can be ‘curvy or thin’ but the pressure to change your body never fades. She mentions how ‘a woman is tailoring herself to appeal to buyers’ market. Greer suggests that women are all going through this in order to catch the attention of males. She uses the terms tailoring and ‘buyers’. This idea that women are pressured to change their bodies in order to look pleasing to men. She goes on to say that this ‘buyer’ is likely to be the husband, whose accepts her for her image. She describes women as passive objects of males. I think Greer is trying show the sad reality of women; women are the ones who keep succumbing to this pressure to change their image. They are insecure and are constantly trying to change themselves. She states that women’s bodies are treated as ‘aesthetic objects without function’; this causes damage to their bodies and the owners. Greer talks about this idea of the body meeting the soul and a ‘stereotype being born’. I think she’s trying to get a cross this idea that women have this fantasy about beauty, she continues on to mention to her belongs all that is beautiful even the word beauty itself. She writes about how nature exists only to make a women appear more beautiful. For example she says â€Å"flowers die gladly so that her skin may uxuriate in their essence†. I think she’s trying to get across the idea that this fantasy that women have is also what is making them succumb to the pressure. This idea of a woman’s weakness being her beauty is also explored in the play Street car named desire’ by William Tennessee. He introduces the character of Blanche who’s similar to the women mentioned by Greer. Blanche doesn’t want to accept the fact that her beauty is fading. At one point her sister Stella asks her husband to compliment her on her appearance. She mentions ‘it’s her weaknesses. In the same way as these omen described by Greer, Blanche is using her beauty and sexuality to capture male attention. She understands and seems to accept that she has to keep her beautiful image in order to find a male suitor. reer’s idea ot nature existing to make women beautitul links well wit n the novel ‘Beloved’ by Toni Morrison. In the book the character of beloved is described with having skin as smooth’s as babies. Beloved is naturally beautiful in the same way that Greer described nature making women beautiful. The fantasy of beauty the Greer described beloved seems to possess. How to cite Women’s Struggle for Identity through Appearance, Papers